Monday, December 29, 2008

Training for Pro-life, Rock for Life

RFL Report 12.24.08

Training and Activism Week Promo Video
Lady Liberty Leaving NY
RFL Podcast 028
Upcoming Events

Training and Activism Week Promo Video

Check out our promo video for Training and Activism Week, January 21-23 in Washington, DC. Help us out by forwarding this to all your friends and posting on your websites.

What is Training and Activism Week?

Marching with hundreds of thousands of pro-lifers at the 36th annual March for Life
Meeting and networking with young pro-lifers from all over the U.S., Canada, and beyond!
Attendance at our Personhood Conference on Friday
Training given by experienced, successful veteran pro-lifers including Lila Rose, Jill Stanek, Kristi Burton, Judie Brown, Alan Keyes, and David Bereit
Pro-life outreach on the streets of our nation's capital
Possible meeting with your member of Congress or his/her staff
Pro-life visibility at Planned Parenthood
Concert with My Brother's Pony, Andy Zipf, Alakrity, and others
Personhood NOW! hoodie
and much more!
All events take place in or near:

The Liaison Capitol Hill
415 New Jersey Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20001

Most events are free and open to the public. Donations will be taken at the door to cover costs for the pizza party and concert.

Need a place to stay in Washington, D.C.? We have reserved rooms just for you! BUT HURRY! Rooms are filling up fast.

The cost to stay with us at the Liaison Hotel is only $50 per night per person (two- or three-night stay). Too good to be true? Not really! We assign four persons to a room, to keep the costs down.

For a non-refundable deposit of only $50, we can reserve a spot just for you at the Liaison. To register and reserve your spot, click here to download the registration form. For more information, e-mail us at

Lady Liberty leaving NY

As I was going through news stories contemplating items to discuss for the next radio show I came across "Protesting the Protesters", an awful story of how politicians want to stifle the free speech rights of pro-lifers outside of abortion facilities. You see, most ardent abortion advocates want you to believe that pro-lifers who counsel pregnant moms outside of abortion facilities are mean-spirited, harass, bully, intimidate, yell and scream. Although I have witnessed one or two of these well-meaning but far from effective pro-life activists outside of abortion facilities, in most cases the sidewalk counselors I meet are some of the most compassionate, caring individuals you will ever meet.

What you will gather from the story though is its not the pregnant moms who oppose sidewalk counselors from approaching them, it's the abortion facility workers and volunteers as well as the hardcore abortion advocates. Why? An effective sidewalk counselor will convince the pregnant mom of the truth, that abortion not only will kill her baby but cause her emotional, physical and even spiritual trauma in the days, weeks and years to come. This is called a "save." A save is what it is – a baby's life spared from death and his/her mom spared the trauma associated with abortion. This article interviewed a young man, Brian Stong who happened to record his 16th save that morning. What a testimony of how a young person can have such a great impact in this world. Praise God for Brian!

Unfortunately this may be a tactic you will see in many cities across America – bills passed so 3rd parties (abortion facility workers, volunteers and activists) can press charges against sidewalk counselors with little or no proof, therefore possibly intimidating pro-lifers from praying at abortion facilities and offering pregnant, scared moms an alternative to abortion. This will then possibly lower the number of "saves" (babies alive, moms spared the trauma).

While we are waiting for the outcome of this bill keep New York City Council Speaker Ms. Quinn in your prayers and prayerfully consider contacting her and urging her not to stifle free speech while setting a precedent that could be horrific for pro-lifers across the country. I encourage you to contact her via her web site. You can find the email addresses for all City Council members here, and I urge you to join the Expectant Mother Care Facebook group.

In the meantime, keep going to the abortion facilities, pray for the end of abortion, offer counseling, provide services and be the change that so many in America covet to see.

God bless

Erik Whittington
Director, Rock for Life

Tell us what you think by leaving me a comment on the RFL blog!

RFL Podcast 028

Featured Band: Jesus Disciple -

News & Commentary

On this issue of the Rock for Life Podcast Erik and Phil discuss the following news stories:

Last week we mentioned how Lila Rose and the team at released the first video in their latest undercover series called the Mona Lisa Project. This week, we're letting you know that they've done it again! Another week, another city, and yet another episode of irresponsible Planned Parenthood workers showing that they are willing to break the law.

You can watch the video here, but then make sure you embed the video on your blog or MySpace/Facebook profile so that others can view them! Remember, WE are FUNDING this and the rest of Planned Parenthood's clinics with over $300 million each year!

Remember, you can meet Lila Rose in person at our Training and Activism Week (see lead item in this report).

The Indiana Attorney General's office is investigating Planned Parenthood for...well, take your pick.

As Erik mentioned in his commentary, the New York City Council is preparing to vote on the facist Clinic Access Bill. We cannot stress enough how important it is for you to contact Council Speaker Quinn. Go to her web site and let her know that this attack on free speech must not be passed!

The Catholic-affiliated University of San Fracisco did a good thing by acknowledging they made a mistake when it was revealed that their student health insurance plan included abortions.

A new procedure has been developed for testing preborn babies for Down's Syndrome. This test does not have the high-risk of miscarriage that the current test, amniocentesis, has, but because the vast majority of babies with Down's Syndrome are aborted, this test may increase that abortion rate to above the 90% it currently is at.

To subscribe to the Rock for Life Podcast click on this iTunes icon

You can also find the Rock for Life Podcast on myspace by clicking here or on Podomatic by clicking here. You can also listen to the Rock for Life Podcast on National Pro-Life Radio every Wednesday at 1pm. To ask us questions or to give us comments, ideas or suggestions write us at or call us at 866-552-3368 .

Upcoming Events

January 17
Rock for Life El Paso Music Fest featuring:
Lily Goodman, Sonnus, Safe Haven
battle of the bands, Truth Tent, and much more!
stay tuned at for additional info as it develops

Band Slam featuring Alakrity
St. Mary's Church
224 W. Washington
Hagerstown, Maryland 21740
donations accepted at the door
Stay tuned at for additional info

January 18 -- Survivor Sunday

January 21
Pro-life Youth Rally
featuring Tina Whittington (Erik's wife!)
224 W. Washington
Hagerstown, Maryland 21740

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LIFE. - Not for judgment, not for control, for a better world...

Rock for Life
P.O. Box 1350
Stafford, VA 22555
Rock for Life on MySpace, Facebook
YouTube, Twitter, Broadtexter and Podomatic
AOL IM = RockForLifeUSA
Yahoo! IM = RockForLifeUSA
Pregnant? Don’t know what to do? Call 888-550-7577 or click here.
Had an abortion? Need help or healing? Call 877-HOPE-4-ME or click here.
©2008 Rock for Life

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