Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research

Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research
On April 17, 2009, The National Institutes of Health (NIH) released draft guidelines on Human Stem Cell Research.
Despite mounting evidence that cord blood and adult stem cell research have resulted in numerous therapies for various diseases, and research using human embryos has yet to produce one successful cure or therapy, it appears that the Obama Administration will continue to support research that is ethically questionable and scientifically unsound.

According to the NIH, the draft guidelines are expected to be published in the Federal Register on Friday, April 24, 2009 and will be open for public comment for the 30 days following publication. More information in that regard is available at the NIH website. The link provided in the preceding paragraph will route you to more detailed information related to public comment on the draft guidelines.

See what the Stem Cell Debate is all about in the new Center for Bioethics and Culture Documentary, The Lines That Divide: The Great Stem Cell Debate. (A 30-second preview is available at the link). LLDF is proud to have been one of several organizations who contributed to the production of Lines That Divide, which presents all aspects of the stem cell debate and leaves little room to doubt the truth of the recent proclamation on Oprah that the stem cell debate is dead.

Life Legal Defense Foundation

Life Legal Defense Foundation