Wednesday, September 23, 2009

"Death Spiral" Rationing in Baucus Bill Gravely

For immediate release:
Friday, September 18, 2009

For more information:
Derrick Jones, (202) 626-8825

"Death Spiral" Rationing in Baucus Bill Gravely
Endangers America's Seniors

WASHINGTON – The health care bill proposed by Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus on September 16 contains a dangerous provision that creates a financial incentive for Medicare doctors to deny treatments to seniors.

National Right to Life Executive Director, David N. O'Steen, Ph.D, says, "This is the cruelest and most effective way to ensure that doctors are forced to ration care for their senior citizen patients. It takes the telltale fingerprints from the government: instead of bureaucrats directly specifying the treatment denials that will mean death and poorer health for older people, it compels individual doctors to do the dirty work. It is an outrageous way to provide coverage for the uninsured - by taking it away from America's senior citizens."

The provision penalizing doctors establishes that for at least five years, Medicare physicians who authorize treatments for their patients that wind up in the top 10% of per capita cost for a year will lose 5% of their total Medicare reimbursements for that year [see footnote 1 at bottom of release].

This means that all doctors treating older people will constantly be driven to try to order the least expensive tests and treatments for fear that they will be caught in that top 10%. It is noteworthy that this feature operates independently of any considerations of quality, efficiency, or waste - if you authorize enough treatment for your patients, however necessary and appropriate it may be, you are in danger of being one of the 1 in 10 doctors who will be penalized each year. Moreover, it creates a moving target - by definition, there will ALWAYS be a top 10%, no matter how far down the total amount of money spent on Medicare is driven.

“It's like a game of musical chairs, in which there is always one chair less than the number of players – so no matter how fast the contestants run, someone will always be the loser when the music stops,” O’Steen added.

The incentive this creates is purely cost-driven, without any balancing of benefit. It will create a constant sense of uncertainty in doctors, since none can know in advance precisely what the cutoff for a given year will be - resulting in still more pressure to limit treatment and diagnostic tests to the bare minimum.

For more information:


1. On pages 80-81 of the 8.16.2009 Chairman's Mark, in the "Expansion of Physician Feedback Program" in Title III, Subtitle A, Part I; specifically, at the top of page 81: "Beginning in 2015, payment would be reduced by five percent if an aggregation of the physician's resource use is at or above the 90th percentile of national utilization. After five years, the Secretary would have the authority to convert the 90th percentile threshold for payment reductions to a standard measure of utilization, such as deviations from the national mean."

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) rates this as taking $1 billion from Medicare payments over a period of 6 years. See CBO 9/16/09 letter to Chairman Baucus, Table, page 3 of 7.

The National Right to Life Committee, the nation's largest pro-life group is a federation of affiliates in all 50 states and 3,000 local chapters nationwide.

Endangers America's Seniors

To go to the NRLC Home page, click here.
To go to the NRLC Legislative Action Center, click here.
For immediate release:
Friday, September 18, 2009

For more information:
Derrick Jones, (202) 626-8825

"Death Spiral" Rationing in Baucus Bill Gravely
Endangers America's Seniors

WASHINGTON – The health care bill proposed by Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus on September 16 contains a dangerous provision that creates a financial incentive for Medicare doctors to deny treatments to seniors.

National Right to Life Executive Director, David N. O'Steen, Ph.D, says, "This is the cruelest and most effective way to ensure that doctors are forced to ration care for their senior citizen patients. It takes the telltale fingerprints from the government: instead of bureaucrats directly specifying the treatment denials that will mean death and poorer health for older people, it compels individual doctors to do the dirty work. It is an outrageous way to provide coverage for the uninsured - by taking it away from America's senior citizens."

The provision penalizing doctors establishes that for at least five years, Medicare physicians who authorize treatments for their patients that wind up in the top 10% of per capita cost for a year will lose 5% of their total Medicare reimbursements for that year [see footnote 1 at bottom of release].

This means that all doctors treating older people will constantly be driven to try to order the least expensive tests and treatments for fear that they will be caught in that top 10%. It is noteworthy that this feature operates independently of any considerations of quality, efficiency, or waste - if you authorize enough treatment for your patients, however necessary and appropriate it may be, you are in danger of being one of the 1 in 10 doctors who will be penalized each year. Moreover, it creates a moving target - by definition, there will ALWAYS be a top 10%, no matter how far down the total amount of money spent on Medicare is driven.

“It's like a game of musical chairs, in which there is always one chair less than the number of players – so no matter how fast the contestants run, someone will always be the loser when the music stops,” O’Steen added.

The incentive this creates is purely cost-driven, without any balancing of benefit. It will create a constant sense of uncertainty in doctors, since none can know in advance precisely what the cutoff for a given year will be - resulting in still more pressure to limit treatment and diagnostic tests to the bare minimum.

For more information:


1. On pages 80-81 of the 8.16.2009 Chairman's Mark, in the "Expansion of Physician Feedback Program" in Title III, Subtitle A, Part I; specifically, at the top of page 81: "Beginning in 2015, payment would be reduced by five percent if an aggregation of the physician's resource use is at or above the 90th percentile of national utilization. After five years, the Secretary would have the authority to convert the 90th percentile threshold for payment reductions to a standard measure of utilization, such as deviations from the national mean."

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) rates this as taking $1 billion from Medicare payments over a period of 6 years. See CBO 9/16/09 letter to Chairman Baucus, Table, page 3 of 7.

The National Right to Life Committee, the nation's largest pro-life group is a federation of affiliates in all 50 states and 3,000 local chapters nationwide.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Pro-lifer killed while witnessing to life

Press Release Sept. 11, 2009

Pro-lifer killed while witnessing to life

Jim Pouillon, a well-known pro-life activist was shot to death while witnessing to the sanctity of life outside of the Owosso High School in Flint, Michigan . The killing occurred at about 7:30 am, Friday, Sept. 11, 2009 as Pouillon stood outside of the school building. He held a large poster of a baby with the message “Life” written in large letters. The victim, dependent on an oxygen tank and who wore leg braces, was a committed pro-life activist who for many years stood outside of Flint area abortion clinics and Planned Parenthood offices in the hope of turning women away from their abortion decision.

Monica Migliorino Miller, director of Citizens for a Pro-life society, headquartered in Michigan, states:

“Jim died while giving a peaceful witness to the sacredness of human life. He stood outside of the local high school on many occasions holding a sign of a baby to send a message to the students that abortion is the taking of innocent life. Now his life has been taken as he stood in witness against the injustice of abortion. When violence is aimed at those who provide abortion—pro-life leaders are swift to condemn it. We call on the pro-abortion community to condemn this violence against Jim Pouillon. Many have already blamed Jim for his own death because he dared to stand on the street with a pro-life sign. Such a point of view is atrocious and grossly irresponsible.”

“Jim Pouillon is a hero—he died for the cause of life.”

Thursday, September 10, 2009

StopTheAbortionMandate, with HealthCare

VOID the Abortion Mandate
Help prevent U.S. government money from
funding abortions through health care reform
1.) Help keep abortion OUT of health care. Tell Congress to “Void the Abortion Mandate” by clicking on the check below

2.) Join the “Void the Abortion Mandate” virtual rally TODAY, September 10.

Download the Voided Check graphic and upload it to all of your social networking profiles (Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, etc.)
Use this sample social networking status message to educate, equip, and empower your friends:
President Obama Wrong! Abortion IS covered in current health care reform legislation: